"Where Children Learn and Play"
Proverb 22:6

Experienced Child Care Providers
Proverbs 22:6
Our purpose is to educate our students in a loving, Christian environment while understanding
their needs and learning styles, so that they master academic skills, become self-directed
learners, and exemplary examples of Godly character. Anointed 2 Serve Childcare Services, LLC addresses the developmental and emotional needs of young children by providing an environment that is safe, secure, and nurturing which is conducive to educational learning.
Our goal is to build partnerships with families and the community by helping each child to reach
his or her maximum potential and to provide programs that are flexible, accessible, and
responsive to each family's needs while also meeting the needs of each child.

Children’s early experiences lay the foundation for their later learning and achievement. The basic cognitive and social-emotional skills that children develop between birth and age five prepare them for the academic demands of formal schooling. A high-quality preschool experience enhances children’s development of these fundamental skills, as well as provides services to screen children for possible developmental delays and special needs, which may impede their learning.
The first months and years of a child’s life are the most formative in the development of mind, body, and spirit. Sleep, emotional
and physical nourishment and sensory stimulation are more important in infancy than at any other time. The most vital need for these youngest children is warm, nurturing care. We must also provide them with secure surroundings, and equipment, and playthings that meet
their needs and support their individual development.

The School-age program provides supervision, along with recreation or skills instruction or training. The program provides transportation, before or after the customary school day.

Program Director, Certified in Early Childcare Education/SPED. CPR/First Aid, Medication Administer certified, Maryland Childcare Trainer with over 32+ years of experience, and Owner/Operator since 2000.
Jessica A. Foxx

Food Service Director, Maryland state qualified in foodservice, Certified in Maryland Childcare Education. Has Over 32+ years of experience, SafeServ certified and has a passion to serve others.
Robert H. Foxx, Jr.

Assistant Director, Certified in Early Childcare Education, Associates degree in Business Administration, CPR/First Aid certified, ADA training, Medication Administer certified, and Specialize in Infant/Toddler care.
Ebony N. Jackson

Director of Athletics, Studying Kinesiology and Sports Management. Passion to serve and motivate the youth. Has 5 years of experience working with the Youth.
Robert A. Foxx
When you participate in Maryland EXCELS, you show your commitment to providing the best possible education and care. At Anointed 2 Serve Childcare Services, LLC is rated at a level 4.
Through the Maryland EXCELS Quality Rating and Improvement System, childcare and early education programs are awarded Quality Ratings from 1 to 5. Providers increase their Quality Ratings by showing that they meet Standards in areas like developmentally appropriate practice, professional development, and family engagement.
We are improving the quality of care to our childcare and to our families!